What:Health Care Quality Booklet Cover

Design cover for new edition.

How: Illustrator and InDesign.

Why: OPA needed a new cover design for its annual booklet. The booklet is a print copy of the office’s online Health Care Report Card, the meat of the actual booklet is created using screen shots of the web pages.

What: SEO Health Worksheets

Discovered a search trend and optimized OPA’s website to take advantage.

How: Google Trends and Google Analytics.

Why: OPA’s “product” is its website. The more visitors to opa.ca.gov is equatable to more sales for a business. I discovered “Health Worksheets” was a search trend. I optimized opa.ca.gov to contain that keyword phrase to create more visitors for our relevant content. OPA’s site experienced an increase in visitors from that simple udate to align with search trends. In the end, more Californian’s now have OPA’s resources to get better health care.

What: OPA Wikipedia Campaign

Placed OPA’s information onto Wikipedia.

Why: A common complaint that OPA receives is that people do not know about the office and what it does for Californians. When searching for outlets to place OPA’s information on, one has to think: What is a quality depot, what places attract a lot of users? I decided selective Wikipedia pages was a good place to unload OPA’s information and spread the word. As seen from the Google Analytics report, this has been success; especially the most recent outreach effort on the PPO page.

What Report Card Page Changes

Two page redesigns (wireframes) for OPA’s Report Card section. Also included in the PDF are the current versions of the pages.

How: Created using InDesign.

Why: Users scan websites, so layouts should be structured in a way so they can scan the page and find the important content in little time. I created both page redesigns with this in mind. Then I also condensed two pages into one page so users can progress through the content easier.

What About OPA Layout Design

A new page layout with new content for OPA’s About OPA page.

How: Created using InDesign and Photoshop.

Why: OPA”s current About OPA page contains flaws in the coding and content. With my understanding of OPA, I have created a new page that offers a pleasing visual display and content that a consumer can understand the office’s functions a little better. Also, the page contains additional information that was not on the previous page. This page has not been implemented yet, it will be part of a larger refresh.

What: OPA Website presentation embedded below.
Why: OPA’s website was in need of being revitalized. I decided to take the lead. I created powerpoint presentation based on my research and presented it to the staff. This gave them an overview of the problems with the website and how to gain more visitors and keep them. Following the presentation I was given authority to proceed with my vision of the website. The new OPA will feature a wiki, blog, forum, and social networking pages (Facebook, MySpace, and Flickr).


Name Tags

Meeting materials for a meeting OPA put on.

How: Created using InDesign, Photoshop, Acrobat

Why: OPA put on a meeting with stakeholders to discuss health care quality. I created these materials based on a consensus between staff. In addition to the invite that was used for print (mailed out), I adopted the format in order to embed it into an email.

What: Navigation Structure

A reorganization of the About OPA side-navigation section on the website.

How: Created using InDesign, Acrobat Professional

Why: OPA lacked consistent navigation structure, this is an effort to place structure within the site to allow easy navigation and understanding for the user.

What: Information Architecture

A reorganization of the About OPA section on the website.

How: Created using Excel, Acrobat Professional

Why: OPA’s website was created with three contractors, the end result was a site that lacked structure. This is one part of my effort to reorganize the site structure for consistency and usability purposes. The new structure is based on web analytics, stakeholder input and focus group testing.

What: COBRA Financial Assistance

Layout design of proposed COBRA page

How: Created using Photoshop and InDesign.

Visit: COBRA Financial Assistance to see final piece in production.

Why: This page was created to meet the rising demand (based on google trends and web analytics) for COBRA information, given President Obama’s Federal assistance and the amount of layoffs happening statewide. My goal of this page was to create something different from all the other COBRA informational pages out there: So I created and had IT implement the dynamic form to see if someone may qualify for COBRA.